Speaker Details
Prof. dr. Midhat Jašić
PhD Midhat Jasic, professor emeritus in the field of nutrition. Published more than 20 books, 120 experts and scientific papers. He participated in numerous domestic and international projects. He received education and realized study stays at numerous universities such as: Leeds and Cranfield England, Cairo Egypt, Leida Spain, Obihiro Japan, Porto Portugal, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Trontheim Norway, Trier Germany, Vienna Austria etc. He is many years chief editor three periodicals of „Food in health and disease“ - jurnal for nutrition and dietetic (https://hrcak.srce.hr/hrana-u-zdravlju-i-bolesti), Book of Proceedings „Food for health“ (http://www.ptfos.unios.hr/Hranom_Do_Zdravlja/), and „Proceeding of Congres Beekeeping and beeproducts“ (https://beecongres.com/dosadasnji-zbornici-radova/). Editor of web site: www.hranomdozdravlja.com. CV available on the website of the University in Tuzla, link: Midhat Jasic CV